
Yay, I’m so glad you decided to join in the Mini Blast!

We’re going to have… well… a Blast!! 😀

First thing to do is join the Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MiniBlastNov17/

This is where all the action will be. I’ll be in there every day and will be hands-on as much as I can. There to help with any conundrums, always banging the action drum and ready to get you motivated.

The Worksheets PDF is in the files section of the group but you can also find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vi3dz46ipf97811/AAC03pE-ml1mhBU3V9IMkfYda?dl=0

I would recommend that you print at least one copy off and keep an eye on the group for when I’ll be doing some videos to help you work through the sheets and ‘get your plan on’. These will be your blueprint for making the absolute most from the 5 day MiniBlast.

It’s going to be a whirlwind ride and I hope that you fully embrace all that it is and throw yourself at your plans and make some really AWESOME stuff happen.

See you in the Facebook group and let’s Blast!

Love, Sophie

p.s. I also sent this as an email so do check it’s not landed in your spam folder as there will be a few more emails over the next week or two.

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