
Woohoo!! Let's get stuff done!

Facebook Group

This is where most of the action happens. Where you’ll be able to chat with your fellow Tribe members, get the support and accountability you want and share your excitements and challenges along the way.

Monthly Themes

Each month we’ll be focusing on a different productivity skillset. Trying out different techniques and creating new habits that will help you find your productivity sweet spot. More on this below….

Regular Group Calls

We will be jumping on regular group calls using Zoom. One at the start of the month, for masterminding and support  and one at the end of the month to review the month and set new goals.

Monthly Blasts

Each month we will have a ‘Blast’, which is 5 days of super productivity, including hourly accountability. These are designed to give a monthly boost for specific activities or projects you want to smash.


Printed Workbooks

Specially designed workbooks, posted out every 12 weeks, to dip into when you want even more of a nudge to keep you on track with your tasks and to help you focus on the important stuff.


Oodles of accountability opportunities with the daily check-ins, the video calls and the extra focused Blast days. This is often the simple element missing when it comes to getting stuff done.

Quarterly Challenges

Once a quarter we shift from a monthly theme to a fun 30 day ‘challenge’ which are focused around personal development and life enhancement.

Support & Community

Something missing for so many is a space where you feel part of something, heard and valued. We’re here to lift your spirits when you’re down, celebrate your successes when you’re flying high and everything in between.

Tell me more...

 This group was formulated in my head for a couple of years before I went about setting it up, because I wanted to create something that didn’t add lots more stuff to people’s to do lists. I wanted something a little different to what was out there already. 

I’ve been part of many membership groups and online courses over the years and what always seems to happen to me is that I start off with best intentions, I download a ton of ‘stuff’ and then I don’t make time to actually do the things. I know that I learn best when I’m in the room with someone, either on a live call or even better, in a physical workshop where I can interact and actually have to get the work done then and there. Leave me to my own devices and I’ll happily pop that stuff on the ‘must do soon’ pile indefinitely.

So, how is this different from all the other membership clubs out there right now?

Well, for starters, you won’t find a huge vault of information on every subject known to man. Yes, I know this is useful and there will be some resources available to you but the whole point of this Productivity Tribe is to not add more to your list, instead to focus on actually getting your list completed in the first place.

Let’s face it, if you want to understand how to do something, like Facebook Ads, SEO, build a website etc, there is a wealth of information in the big wide web for you to be able to learn it and plenty of other membership clubs that already have this well sewn up. What there isn’t however, is a space where the point of our coming together is to focus the mind and help improve the skills you need to be more effective with your time.

Note that I’m not putting the emphasis here on getting MORE done. Instead on being conscious about the way you view and use your time and making sure that:

You’re focusing on the right things

You’re not wasting time

You know what your time is worth

You feel more in control of how your time is used

You free up more time for the important stuff that is what life is made of

You feel supported and confident in your abilities to get stuff done

You discover how to kick procrastination to the curb

And so much more.

Getting more done is great but with the fast pace of the world these days we’ve got our expectations all out of whack and I know for a fact, from doing lots of group and 121 work specifically around this subject over the last few years, that we are terrible at correctly estimating our time. As a race, we always have been, but with all the techno-wizardry out there to help us get more don I feel we are more than ever either massively over or under estimating how long tasks will take us.

Most common is the amazing ability we have to think we can fit 12 things in when we actually could only, at our very optimum powerhousing momentum, only manage 6 and then beat ourselves up about it.

This happens a LOT!

Well, this is where we are working to change things.

I want to help you work on your relationship with yourself, with your time and with your to do list. Positivity is the way forward but with a big dollop of reality. Yes, we want to do ALL THE THINGS but in reality we will have to choose, much to our disgruntlement at times.

The monthly themes are designed to help with the different elements that I believe make us our most productive. For example, because I appreciate that a monthly theme sounds a little vague, during our ‘Time Management’ month we’ll be focusing on time tracking. I’ll be sharing with you some tools and resources that you can use to help with this and encourage you to track your minutes, hours and days for the duration of that month. We’ll be checking in with each other and sharing our discoveries along the way. Other themes include focused work, most important tasks and implementation… None of this stuff is rocket science but I have seen all too often that it is these simple tweaks that can make all the difference to what we can achieve and how we feel about it.

You see, what I have realised is that we assume these skills come naturally to us. But in reality, they don’t. We need to learn and create habits that enhance the way we spend our time, rather than assume that it’ll all simply fall into place. When we accept that these are learned skills then we can stop beating ourselves up and get on with the practicing and the doing and soon until they become second nature to us.

Don't just take it from me...

Who's it for?

If you’re feeling stuck in the mud and no matter what you do you’re just not getting anywhere. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the STUFF in your life right now and you want to create some order out of that chaos.

If you’re ready to take on the world and want a little extra va-va-voom to get you over the hill.

If you’re on a mission and want to make sure that you’re setting yourself up for maximum success. 

If you simply want more support, community and accountability in your life. 


BONUS Online Course Worth £398!! FREE when you join today!

Sign up today and get access to my signature online course, Ultimate Brand for the duration of your membership. If you’re in business this is a mine of information for you and includes the following modules:

Where am I now, What is branding, Working with values, Ideal Client, Brand Guidelines, Keeping consistent, Exploring your branding, A closer look at fonts, Your marketing message, Creating your brand promise, Be the queen of your brand (aka your category of one), Marketing planner, Design planner, Goal setting for success, I deserve it, Logo design, Pricing strategy, Newsletters, List building, Networking, Accounts & bookkeeping, Profit tracking, Social media strategy, Advertising, Direct response marketing, Copywriting, Images & fonts, Outsourcing and CRM & automation.

PHEW!! Loads in there to help you when you need it – simply dip in and out as and when you feel the need to get the help you want and then feel free to discuss and get more support in the Tribe Facebook group and on the group calls when you want.

You can find out more about what is included at www.ultimatebrand.co.uk

How much is it?

Just £30 per month

This is a monthly subscription and the card you use when you join will be automatically charged each month on or close to the same date that you joined. If you wish to change or update this card at any point please get in touch. You may cancel your subscription at any time. For more FAQs see below. 

Shut the front door! I'm Totally IN!

Being part of the Tribe has made me think more about my work, my goals and the best thing… making myself accountable for tasks daily. The support is fab. Sophie has really outdone herself with this group. Even on days where I feel like curling up under a duvet, I get pulled in to make myself accountable for something. Thank you Sophie for your amazing vision and support.

Linda Thursby

Barn Therapy Centre and Epic Studios

A really great group of like-minded people all working towards common goals, even though we have completely different backgrounds, businesses and interests. A splendid place to get more information and support and to really get to grips with a planning process that helps in so many different ways.
Mandy Allen

I just love being part of a community where nobody is judged, but instead offered advice and support whenever it is needed. No pressure, no gimmicks, just great advice and support as and when it is needed. I’m in it for as long as they will have me.
Paul Macro

When it comes to getting organised, planning your way ahead to achieve your ultimate goal there is no better place or company to be in that Sophie Jewry’s Productivity tribe. My life has altered in ways I could not imagine since being part of this supportive buzzing group – I really want to keep it a secret as it’s so damned good!
Sky Carver

Would I recommend the tribe? I do daily to anyone who just knows they could do a little bit more, or who struggles to know how to fit in life around what they already have on. The tribe brings you unlimited access to a group of people who don’t judge and although they are all there for completely different reasons. Some for health, some for work/life balance and some just want accountability. The freebies are awesome but the planners and friendships are actually priceless. Join; you won’t know until you try.
Hannah S

I have been looking for a safe and private community to help me nail getting things done personally and in my own business. The Productivity Tribe is helping me do just that. The first month has brought up many blocks and resistance to my own success and while working through such I feel supported and safe with the private community group. It feels isolating at times but the prompts, accountability check-ins and mini blasts really help and reading others’ efforts, trials and successes keeps the vibe strong. I know this is the best thing I’ve done so far for myself and for my business and am looking forward to seeing how far we can take this in the next few months!

Jenni Tribe

Having done a few of Sophie’s Blasts, I was really looking forward to joining the Productivity Tribe and it has lived up to expectations. I love being in the Tribe – Sophie’s posts serve as a reminder to keep on track, and as a result, I am definitely more productive.

Emily Barclay

Embracing Fitness

I joined the Productivity Tribe a few months ago when I realised that I would need a team around me to help with accountability, support and networking. I’ve been really blown away with the service. Great focused planners delivered every 12 weeks which help keep me on track and moving forward. Lots of skilled professionals who are quick to support and advise. When you work alone it’s great to have someone to bounce ideas off! Really pleased I joined – definitely a worthwhile investment.

Annamarie Dack

Empowered Parents

I thoroughly enjoying being a part of the Productivity Tribe, I find the balance of monthly topics, two Zoom calls per month, and the supportive and active nature of the Facebook group, to be a huge help to my work and also my general sense of being. Thanks Sophie x

Paul Barker

Greater Vision

What is a 5 Day Blast? 

If you’ve been following me at all over the last 2 years you will have seen me promote one of my ‘Blasts’. These are dedicated periods of time where we focus on oodles of accountability. It is, in fact, the Blasts that have helped me hone this Tribe offering into what it is. Working with lots of different people to discover the best way I can support the group agenda for achievement and growth has been fantastic learning for me and I’m excited to share it with you.

Every third week of the month we will be doing a 5 day Blast. This is when accountability hots up in the group with hourly accountability reminders. You can use your ‘Blast It’ day pages in your printed workbooks to maximise your time on these days too – they have been designed especially for this purpose. We’ll also get together for a group call at the start of the week to set some goals and get us fired up and raring to go.

These are a fantastic tool when you’ve got a specific project you want to work on or if you’ve got tons on your plate and you simply want to get stuff done and then bask in the glory of your achievement afterwards (possibly with a glass of wine in hand!?) 😉



Is it just for girls?

Nope, all are welcome, but if you’re looking for a testosterone-fueled space, this won’t be for you. If you’re looking for more practical, supportive energy in your life the we might just be a good fit 😉 If you’re not sure, get in touch at support@ladiesthatplan.com

Can I get a refund?

We don’t do refunds for this but you can cancel your subscription at any time. So, the best thing to do is to make a note of when your subscription came out and be sure to notify us a week before that date to let us know that you would like to cancel your subscription.

Will my membership fee change?

The price that you pay when you sign up will be the price that you pay going forward. The only time this would change would be if you decided to cancel your subscription and then re-join at a later date. At that point you would pay the amount that the membership is at the time of the new sign-up.

Do I need to have a business to be a member?

No, not at all. Many of the people I work with are self employed but this group is focused around accountability and support so it doesn’t matter whether you’re employed, self employed or free as a bird, this membership will be helping you stay accountable to your goals, become more effective with your time and learn more productivity skills. Whether you want to focus on your work, your life, your health or something else the choice is absolutely yours and we’ll be there to hold your hand along the way 🙂

Will I be adding lots to my to do list?

Nope! The idea behind this membership is that we will be focusing on a different productivity skill each month, which won’t be learning something new but will be implementing things that will help you be more effective with your time. For example, one month we will be time tracking and another we will be working on focusing on one task at a time. Simple stuff but very easily not done by most people. This is not about adding to your list, it’s about getting the things on your list done better and helping you achieve the goals where you need the extra push and accountability to keep going with 🙂

When is the next intake?

We open the doors to the Productivity Tribe 3-4 times per year. Keep an eye on our Facebook page or join the mailing list to get notified of the next opening. 

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