
What problem does your business solve?

Calmpreneur solves the problem of mind-wellness for entrepreneurs. It’s a calm space on the internet to escape all the hustle and grind.

I always felt like I didn’t fit in to the entrepreneur mould; I knew that I wanted to be successful but felt a bit alienated by many of the online leaders who were advocating 24/7 grind mentality.

I work hard of course, but my circumstances and mental health problems mean that things take longer and sometimes I need to retreat to look after myself. I figured there would be other people out there who feel the same way.

Why do you do what you do?

Number one is my children. There was an 8 year journey of fertility treatments to have them and I really didn’t want to go back to work and leave them.

Being in business was a decision made back in 2008 so I could work flexible hours and be at home for them both. My husband and I both left our jobs so we could start out on our own and came to live near the sea to bring them up.

I started Calmpreneur because I just had a feeling that I wanted to do something with more heart and purpose.

I’ve always loved helping and nurturing people and have previously run online courses but I just knew something wasn’t quite there yet. I had a niggling feeling that I wanted to do more to make a difference.

I also do what I do because of health. I need to be able to take time off for my own mental health and wellbeing, along with that of my husband who has Cystic Fibrosis, a life limiting illness. Sometimes he needs to go into hospital which can be a logistical nightmare for school runs and business – being employed just wouldn’t allow for my life needs.

Who has been an influential role model for you/your business?

I don’t think there is just one person. I am influenced every day by all the strong female leaders, especially those who have overcome such incredibly difficult circumstances to become successful. My peers and sisterhood inspire me every single day.

What is working best in your business right now?

It’s early stages, so it’s just about finding my tribe. I always find that it’s best to be open and honest about stuff. I’m still finding my feet with the direction I’d like Calmpreneur to take.

What does a day-in-the-life of you consist of?

I wake up at 7am and get ready for the day ahead. I spend about 15 minutes chivvying my children along – find their shoes/books/lunch etc.

After the school run I take my dog for a walk, usually to the beach or forest. This is a really important part of my day and helps me to keep my mind healthy. I also get lots of great ideas when I’m out in nature.

Then it’s up to my little garden office to work for a couple of hours. I get my creative stuff done first; otherwise I find I get tied up with emails and social media.

Lunch back at the house consisting of something quick and relatively healthy!

Back to the office until the school run at 3pm.

A little relax and a cuppa for half an hour or so before preparing dinner.

Occasionally I’ll do a bit of work in the evenings, but usually I spend time with my children and then watch something on Netflix when they’ve gone to bed – I love box sets.

At 10pm ish I’m off to bed. I write in my journal and fall asleep to a meditation.

How do you stay focused and motivated throughout the day?

It takes brain training. It’s very easy to get bogged down by the stresses and strains of life. I just kind of switch off to it all and stay on my path.

Focus wise, I find I get most done when I work in blocks. I use a really great app called Forest which helps you work without distraction. Logging out of social media is also a must.

How do you tackle down days?

I accept them.

Sometimes, no matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to make myself feel better, so I just go with it.

I give myself the gift of time to look after my body and mind.

This might mean a longer morning walk, a snuggle on the sofa with my dog, reading a book or just vegging out in front of the TV.

I give myself permission to do what I need to do.

I’ve learnt the hard way that pushing and pushing just leads to burnout and that’s not healthy or productive.

What is your No.1 business or personal goal for this year?

Get Calmpreneur off the ground. I’m currently writing my signature course about tackling overwhelm and reducing stress, which will be available soon.

What is one of the most life-changing personal development video or talk you’ve ever seen?

It’s not a talk as such, but I listened to the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert on Audible a few years ago and I fell in love with her words and voice. It’s such an inspirational book about creativity and doing something you love.   

If you were to start up in business again tomorrow, what would you do first?

I’ve always followed my heart in business which had led me to both success and failure. I think I’d do the same again, although quicker!

I’d definitely set up automation and outsource from the off, as this has been invaluable to me.

Besides money, what are your favourite ways to reward or compensate people?

Words are the most powerful gift you can give – they can literally light someone’s world right up.

What systems have you set up in your business to help it grow?

Accounting, social media automation and planning.

If you could choose 1 word for 2019, that would inspire you and remind you to stay focused on your goal(s), what would it be?

My word for this year is ‘Calm’.

It’s my first full year of Calmpreneur and it’s to remind me to approach life and business stressors with a sense of calm. I’ve learnt over the years that nothing good can come from worry and fear.

What is one of your favourite quotes?

“Gentleness is strength under control. It is the ability to stay calm, no matter what happens.” Elizabeth George

Spill the beans, what are 3 of your favourite stationery items?

Just 3! Ok, well notebooks are definitely number one for me. I have lots. Some I can’t bear to use at all.

Next I’d say stickers and sticky notes. I use stickers in my UDP to motivate me, or if I’ve had a bad day, I have some ‘remembered to breathe’ stickers which remind me that at least I achieved something! Sticky notes are really handy for popping into books so I can refer back to pages of interest.

Finally it would have to be pens. I have a favourite but it’s running out of ink, so I’ll need to buy a replacement soon.

How do we get in touch with you:

And finally, what is your “happy” song?

Let’s Dance to Joy Division by the Wombats.

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